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Which Belbin System

Do I Need?



Belbin has two great systems that will generate Belbin’s renowned profiles and reports.  One for people already in the workplace – ‘Interplace’, and one for students and young people about to enter the workforce - ‘GetSet’.







The Belbin ‘Interplace' System


For workplace individuals, teams, managers and leaders


An Interplace online system can be used for workplace individuals and teams, and has more functionality / capabilities that GetSet.  If the additional functionality of this system appeals, it can also be used with students, but is formatted for the workplace.  It can currently produce the following outputs:


Individual profiles and reports

These are based upon self-perception and 4 or more Observers for 360 feedback.


Team Reports

These are created using the data from each team member’s individual profile to reveal the chemistry of the team, and its strengths and weaknesses.


Working Relationship Reports

Created using the date for two people and providing an insight into the potential strengths and weaknesses of the working relationship between those people.


Job Requirements Reports

Is completed by a person expert in the job and hiring for that role to create a report highlighting the ideal behavioural contributions for that job, with Observers added who also know the job well / currently engaged in that job to offer well rounded input.


Job Comparison Reports

Compares a candidates report with the Job Requirements data to compare their behavioural preferences with those identified as being ideal for that role. 









The Belbin GetSet System


For students and young people about to enter the workforce


Belbin’s profiles for students and youths aprox 15 – 21 who do not yet have extensive workplace experience.


The individual reports generated from a GetSet system are normed, scripted and presented especially for this demographic.


At present the GetSet system produces Individual Reports only.



See for more info.


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