Do you want to get more from the teams that you manage or work with? Get Belbin Accredited in 2025.
Belbin Accreditation is a great tool in the toolbox for consultants, coaches, leaders and L&D professionals. Every year thousands of people become formally accredited in the Belbin Model world-wide to enhance their ability to work with people.
Belbin Team Roles is the language of teams, enabling people to project and talk about their behavioural strengths in a safe, non-confrontational and productive way.An understanding Belbin Team Roles helps to compose successful teams, fine-tune existing teams for high-performance, and ensure that all individual contributions are harnessed to best effect.
Join us for in-person or online training workshops to empower you to use Belbin to help you, your managers, teams and organisation.
Used all over the world by corporate, government, defence, education and NGO teams, Belbin is the ‘Gold Standard’ for understanding human behaviour and performance in organisations.
To find out more contact us: T – 1300 731 381 E –Team@Belbin.com.au
