Predicting how a team will operate needs to be evidence-based and pragmatic. You'll need more than a crystal ball.
You can’t use a crystal ball to predict team performance, but you can use the evidence-based insights of Belbin. A team's success or failure in Team Role terms will depend very largely on its composition, but if the team is well composed there is still potential for weaknesses to manifest.
The manner in which behavioural strengths and weaknesses are understood will have a big impact on the speed and quality of team development, not to mention performance.
Predicting the stumbling blocks for the team may well help them to avoid any major problems, whilst anticipating team role contributions may help to exploit an opportunity.
Simple team building activities alone won’t get to the depths required for helping to predict team performance, adding evidence-based Belbin profiles and reports adds this required insight.
In short, carefully measuring and then analyzing strength and weakness, in the context of the team’s actual mission, will assist team members and leaders alike chart their best course.
Here are 7 points to take into account when predicting team performance
Suggested requirements: Individual Belbin Profiles, a Belbin Team Report, Belbin Team Circle Exercise Sheet
1. Individually consider each of the team roles in the team and read through the potential problems that may arise in terms of the allowable weaknesses.
2. After you have examined any potential problems look at the ones that may directly impact the team in its current environment. Certain problems will be more of a hindrance to the team's activities whilst others will be tolerable.
3. Look at the team roles present and note the strengths or main contribution that each of the team roles bring to the team.
4. Examine the contributions that will be vital, or at least extremely important, to the team's successful completion of its objective.
5. Having now listed the potential problems and likely contributions, you will be in a good position to evaluate the criteria by which the team will succeed or fail.
6. Articulate your listings by:
This team will do well if ....................
The vital contributions you listed (specify) are made.
The team avoids the most crippling potential problems listed (specify)
Any extra factors that you feel need to be specified - eg a new member required for certain inputs.
This team will do badly if ..................
The team members fail to make the vital contributions specified.
The team fails to avoid the most crippling potential problems listed (specify)
Any extra factors that you feel need to be specified - eg a member failing to work well with another due toa working relationship issue.
7. The Culture of the Team:
Dominance of particular team roleswill undoubtedly have an effect on how the team approaches decisions, issues or problems. Conversely, a lack of certain team roles will impinge on factors such as the team's ability to respond to new opportunities, plan effectively or act decisively.
Consider the very strong and weak team roles of individual and team averages when reaching your conclusion.
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