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Online Accreditation In Belbin

Does the outbreak have you working from home?

Want to pick up a globally recognised certification in Belbin?

We have the capability to train and formally accredit online.

Not only does this give you a globally recognised certification in the Belbin model, but it also equips you with a capability to deploy Belbin not only in face to face workshops, but also online to remote working teams.

The 2 day accreditation course can be delivered with a blend of pre-reading, face to face online sessions and follow-through mentoring and support.

It can be conducted one to one, or with multiple participants.

We can also tailor delivery to suit multiple sessions across more than two days if required to fit in with other commitments.

Until June 30th 2020 you can also become fully accredited for Aud $1100 (including GST)


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